Sunday, February 24, 2008

i love dinner rolls!

kat: wow you guys seriously love kimchi
nelson: i do!
kat: hahah that's kind of weird to me
nelson: why?
kat: it's kind of like.... someone being REALLY enthusiastic about dinner rolls

Monday, February 11, 2008

oh my

*anonymous*: damn i cant believe how many guys im attracted to at work
*anonymous*: im gonna stay in high tech forever
Nelson Bradley: lol
*anonymous*: these guys dont know theyre cute
*anonymous*: and i love it

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Serious Baking

Nelson Bradley: what are you baking?
Jonathan Goldman: lisa is doing red velvet cupcakes
Jonathan Goldman: jon is doing a black raspberry triple citrus bread
Jonathan Goldman: i'm doing a pear creme brulee tart

Monday, February 04, 2008


nelson: hey be excited!
katherineekoh: it's hard
katherineekoh: a trip to disneyland on a monday where you're only expected to eat and have fun is sorrrrrt of obnoxious, Nelson