Monday, March 31, 2008

Project Virgle - Moving to Mars

jon c.: woah!
jon c.: you guys are going to mars?
nelson: you can come
nelson: we can find wives
jon c.: i don't go to mars to look for a wife
jon c.: women are from venus
jon c.: duh
nelson: oh no
nelson: ive made a horrible mistake
jon c.: men are from mars
jon c.: duh

Rick Astley April Fools on YouTube

Cynthia Okita: gasp.. is nelson dating someone and didn't tell me??
Autoreply from Nelson Bradley: never gonna give you up
Nelson Bradley: haha no
Cynthia Okita: you are weird
Nelson Bradley: you're weird!
Nelson Bradley: how does that imply i have a girlfriend
Nelson Bradley: sheesh
Cynthia Okita: i dunno
Cynthia Okita: guys usually put some mushy stuff
Cynthia Okita: on their profile
Cynthia Okita: when they get a gf
Cynthia Okita: no?
Cynthia Okita: like i miss you so much
Cynthia Okita: or i wish you were here w/me
Cynthia Okita: or can't wait to see you
Nelson Bradley: wow

*update: here's the video for your enjoyment

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

ssh - "permission denied"

Nelson: she was okay
Koklynn: you can't haaandle her
Nelson: but pretty boring
Nelson: she was fast
Nelson: but i cd dot-dotted
Nelson: and tried to mkdir
Nelson: and she denied me
Koklynn: HAHAHAH
Koklynn: girl's gotta have standards

Monday, March 17, 2008


Charlene Perez: i am a bruised banana!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Another Non-Quotation Post (my desk)

Since I already spoiled my blog of quotation posts, I thought I'd throw in this picture of what my desk looks like now before I go back to being true to the theme. I'm pretty proud of it, though it took me too long to admit to set this whole thing up. It's pretty huge, but feel free to click it if you want to see it in all of its glory.

Astro Boy iGoogle Theme

OK, so this isn't a random quotation (sorry), but I thought this was too important not to share with everybody. I didn't see a good way to find this theme in the English theme inventory, so here's what you can do if you want to get this theme on your iGoogle immediately:
  1. Sign in to your Google/iGoogle account
  2. Click this blue box:
  3. If that doesn't work, or if you don't trust me, you can always go here to find the same blue box:
  4. Go back to your English iGoogle page (via changing the URL or going to your homepage, if you have iGoogle set as your home)
  5. I think you should be set. Coolest theme yet!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

i'm back

ihatemikeleotta: monkey turnip surprise
nelsobradley: okay
